Newsletter – November 2010

When:  Wednesday, November 10, 2010, 7:30PM

Where: Visitor Education Center (VEC) associated with Springdale Farm -700 Colby Street, in Spencerport, NY

Topic: Dr. Amy Leibeck of GVEC will be speaking at the November meeting

Meeting at Ray’s

On Sunday, October 24th, the Cable’s of Silver Shoe Farm in Batavia invited NDS to their farm.  25 members were in attendance.

There was no formal meeting, however it was mentioned that if anyone is interested in either running for office or becoming a member of the board of directors to please inform one of the current officers.  Our current officers have agreed to continue.  There will be 3 vacant board of directors seats.  We are in the process of seeking members to fill these vacancies.  Please inform an officer if you are interested or know someone who may be.

Luckily, it was a comfortable relatively dry day for us to visit Silver Show Farm.  Ray had  Dr. Wende Bush discuss hoof anatomy and some aspects of diseases of the hoof such as laminitis and navicular. Ray went on to show us his display case of many different and unusual shoes and the uses for them.  His display is wonderful and prompted many questions and discussions.

Following the meeting, members enjoyed homemade goodies and coffee provided by the Cable’s.  We are grateful for their hospitality and willingness to share horse knowledge.

Annual Dinner

The annual dinner/auction is Saturday January 22, 2011.  Lodge-on-the-Green has been a great venue for the dinner and the auction.  Start thinking of those great items to put up for auction! 

Membership Dues

Don’t forget to check your email address and make sure that it is current.