March Newsletter


When:  Wednesday, March 9, 2011, 7:30PM

Where: Visitor Education Center (VEC) associated with Springdale Farm -700 Colby Street, in Spencerport, NY

Topic: NDS Memories – Wayne Railsback will be showing pictures from various club events

25th NDS Show

WOW – 25 years of the NDS SHOW!  Let’s make this a really special event!!!  Laurie N. and Sue Z. will be co-chairing the 25th annual NDS show.  Since the advertisers in the 2010 show program will be given free advertising in the 2011 show program, we need to find some new advertisers.  Please let Esther R. know if you have any suggestions for advertisers and also sponsors for classes for this year’s show.  Laurie is working on the show prizes.  A show committee meeting will be scheduled within the next month.

NDS Annual Dinner

The annual dinner went well.  Tara D.thanked Kathy P., Laurie N.r, Bob B., Nancy M., Amanda C., and Esther R. for their help, as Jim K. was not able to chair the dinner this year.  The proceeds from the auction were $2,700.  Lodge on the Green has been reserved for next year’s dinner.  We sold 140 items at auction again this year, and made about $200 more than last year.  Unfortunately, last year was down $700 from the year before.

GVEC Seminar

Tara thanked two of the board members, Sue Z. and Amanda C., for representing NDS at the GVEC annual seminar.  Many attendees stopped at the NDS table for more information, and Sue and Amanda suggested that a NDS brochure or flyer with the website address would be helpful to hand out at next year’s seminar.   Some attendees also asked about names of people who train horses to drive, and the Board will discuss making up a list of trainers with members’ help.

Coffee box for Meetings

For about ten years I have supplied a “coffee box” to the general membership meetings throughout the year. This box includes coffee, tea, hot chocolate, cream and sugar in addition to necessary dry goods.  I would like to “retire” and pass this responsibility on to some other interested person.

The club will reimburse you for items required to keep the box supplied for each meeting.  After the meeting, the coffee pots must be cleaned and thoroughly dried before storing until the next time they are needed.

If you would be interested in helping the club in this way, please call or e-mail me.  March of this year will be the last time I will be providing the box.

             Allison Brunsdon          964-2148

Updates and Tidbits

Clinic:  NDS will use a local clinician for this year’s clinic to keep costs low this year for the club.  Janet Connor and Sue Z. have graciously offered their farms for this year’s clinic.

Newsletter:   Esther R. will be writing the newsletter starting with April of this year.  Please submit any articles, news or ideas to Esther at 585-392-3156,

New board members:  Terry B., Amanda C., and Janet C.. 

Website:  The NDS website has been updated.  Check out the new calendar and info

Quilt:  Many people at the annual dinner were interested in the horse quilt that was displayed there.  Jane P. had won the quilt in 1995, which the PHOWNY horse club had raffled as a fundraiser.  Sue Z. and Kathy P.will coordinate a similar “quilt” fundraiser for NDS.

CDE Clinic:  Sue Z. handed out flyers for a CDE clinic that will be held at her farm in May 2011 with Jeff the clinician.

Don’t forget the meeting!